Borobudur Sunrise from Yogyakarta
A Borobudur sunrise is an absolute must-do travel experience. It is a very good reason why it is the number one attraction in Indonesia. You will never forget this experience.
You can be at the top of the temple, taking those Borobudur sunrise money-shots when everyone else is still lining up at the gates, waiting to get in.
The sunrise over Borobudur is without doubt one of the travel world’s most spectacular and unique experiences. But, how do you get prime-time sunrise viewing, without being surrounded by swarms of other tourists? Borobudur is about 45 minutes from the much larger city of Yogyakarta, a city of half a million people that most visitors to Borobudur use as a base. If you want a jump on the hordes, there is an easy way you can get access to Borobudur, an hour and a half before everyone else.