Bring our travelers to visit the Sultan’s Palace, also known as Kraton. The palace is the central aspect of the Javanese cosmology by being at the centre of the Mt Merapi and Parangtritis Beach lines. This building constructed between 1756 –1790 is a fine example of traditional Javanese sultanate architecture. Next visit the adjacent Taman Sari, water palace and garden. This addition to the royal complex was built over 200 years ago by the first Sultan with bathing pools for his harem. Continue with Sonobudoyo museum where you can learn about the nation’s decades of heritage by viewing ancient sculptures, fabrics, old ornaments, inscriptions and so much more. Here, you could learn about all the history of Indonesia. We will drop by at PASTY, the well-known bird market among locals. We end the tour at Kota Gede where you will be shown the great cultural activities of Batik and the silver craft factories. The travelers could see the skillful artists’ passion in their craft which helps them to create the perfect results.

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