How to see Borobudur sunrise from Yogyakarta
Borobudur is located about an hour outside of Yogyakarta. For those who want to visit the temple, able either stay in Yogyakarta and take a tour to the temple, or you can stay near Borobudur. If you want to see the sunrise, then it is good to stay at hotel nearby Borobudur Temple, or stay at hotel in Yogyakarta city but have to depart earlier at 03.30 am leaving hotel.
Keep in mind, you have to be lucky to see an actual beautiful sunrise, it's depend on the weather.
Entrance ticket of Borobudur Sunrise (from 4.30): IDR 450K = $35
Since Sunrise on the temple is still NOT ACTIVE yet, we replace to do sunrise tour from Punthuk Setumbu Hill
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